See what I'm all about, here's some of my previous works.


Ophella is an online Singapore-based fashion and lifestyle label. The label was born out of 2 individuals’ desire to break out from the corporate mold to pursue a life of creativity and fashion.

They believe that fashion not only makes a woman. It defines her lifestyle. It’s all about feeling good about yourself and the clothes you put on each day. That is where we step in; to bring our customers the latest fashion trends and fabulous tips and insights on beauty, lifestyle and whatnot.

They also believe in continuous improvement and innovation in our Website so as to bring you a better shopping experience.

Do visit them and purchase and browse through their wide range of apparels. You will never know what you will stumble upon.

What they said

Felore is indeed a very professional web designer. He took our vision of an e-commerce retail shop and made it a reality! He gave us constructive suggestions on the design of the website in order for us to strike a balance between the creativity and practical aspects of a website.

Most importantly, Felore has provided us with a great level of service and support. All these at a very reasonable price!

We would be more than happy to recommend his service to anyone seeking web-designing services.

Thank you, Felore!

What I did

- Web Designing
- Web Development
- Shopping Cart Functionality
- Email routing

Website Status:


So whatever your requirements are, drop me a email and lets discuss your solution. Or view my packages that I have to offered now:

» Click here for E-Commerce Design Packages «

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Whatsapp or Call Felore at +65 9671 3480